May 7, 2016


Being in business for myself for the last 7, almost 8 years, has not always been an easy journey. When I first started my coaching business I struggled with my critical inner voice that told me, “I couldn’t”, “I shouldn’t” and “How can you”. This voice was determined to keep me from moving forward. I had to learn how to silence this critical inner voice so I could step into my success.

Are you struggling with limiting beliefs? Here’s what it may look like if your limiting beliefs are holding your success hostage:

You have a business that you’ve been working at home for two years. You have a steady client load but you’re getting restless. You love your clients and you want to launch a new product line that will provide you with a source of repeat income and allow you to spend more time with your family. You’ve done your research and you know what type of product your community would love.

But, you start listening to your critical inner voice. You struggle with thoughts like, “I don’t know where to start. Who would listen to me anyway? I don’t have enough experience to be teaching this yet. I need to take more courses/join more groups/get more coaching first.”

Before you know it, you’ve scrapped your entire project. You tell yourself that you’re going to master just one more thing before getting started on your product.

A Life You Love Is Waiting For You

You can probably relate to the struggle described above. You’re ready to launch your new product or start that new business but then you hear that same critical inner voice that stops you over and over again.

Imagine having the confidence you need to step into your full potential. Imagine owning your experience and building a business and life that you love. Imagine meeting every obstacle head-on with plenty of confidence to spare.

Become Who You Were Meant to Be

You have the potential to accomplish all of your business goals. But you let self-limiting beliefs hold you back, so you keep playing small. You work with clients that don’t pay you what you’re worth. You don’t publish that book because you think you don’t have enough experience. You don’t partner with a business coach because you think you’re not important enough.

You keep listening to these lies, replaying them like a beloved song. You do this, not because you love being stuck, but because being stuck feels safer than going after what you really want.

Self-sabotage is the playground bully that keeps pushing you around and it’s time that you get angry. It’s time that you stop listening to his taunts and insults. It’s time that you take back your power and become the solopreneur you were meant to be.

You can build a business that you adore, one that nurtures your soul and pays your bills. But first you have to tackle the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Don’t be afraid—your best life is waiting for you on the other side.

Shift Your Mindset Change Your Life!



Are you ready to end self-sabotage and build a business and life you love? Download your free Self-Limiting Beliefs: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life Workbook.

About the Author

Valerie Priester

Helping women entrepreneurs go From Overwhelm to Profits™!

Valerie Priester is a powerhouse business and mindset coach for women entrepreneurs. She helps them to eliminate confusion, frustration, and overwhelm so they can confidently grow profitable and sustainable businesses.

Through her company, Victorious Life Coaching LLC, She provides mindset, money mastery, and personal development coaching. She has years of experience and a proven track record of empowering women to achieve their goals and create the lives they desire. Valerie is a certified Master Business Mindset Coach, a certified Sacred Money Archetype™ Coach, a certified Money Breakthrough™ Business Coach, a certified Les Brown Coach-Trainer-Speaker, a certified Christian Life Coach, and a Motivational Speaker.

Valerie understands what it means to struggle. She's been through some of life's most painful challenges, including unhealthy relationships, failed businesses, and years as a struggling single parent. But Valerie doesn't give up easily. She fought her way back and discovered her confidence and self-worth.

Now she helps other women do the same. Her coaching style is transformative, and she helps women address their self-limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence.

Valerie knows what it takes to overcome adversity and live victoriously. She is living proof that anything is possible when you have the right mindset and are willing to do the work required for success.

Valerie has been mentored by some of the top leaders in the Business and Personal Development industries. This has equipped her with the expertise to specialize in helping women who are ready to see real change in their lives.

Her approach enables her clients to gain clarity on the business and lifestyle they most desire. Valerie is compassionate but firm, loving but demanding – her desire is to see her clients win in business and in life, not just exist.

Valerie is passionate about empowering women to Design Their Victory so they can Live Their Dreams.

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