Have you been thinking about creating a course to teach the world what you know?
What’s holding you back from creating a course or two that can greatly benefit your ideal client: Fear of failure? Fear of success? Fear of looking like an imposter? Feeling like you’re not expert enough?
Believe it or not, most entrepreneurs struggle with mindset roadblocks that keep them stuck and unable to create the valuable content their clients need. Even more experienced business owners can struggle with a roadblock or insecurities.
Lifting mental roadblocks can be done with some daily habits and positive self-talk. Here are three tips you can implement right now in your daily life to create a positive mindset:
1. Start your day with positive affirmations. A quick Google search will give you thousands of affirmations to choose from, but you just need to start with a couple of affirmations that resonate with you. Post them anywhere in your home that you’ll see them often. Say one or more as you shower or find 5 minutes of quiet time in the morning to say affirmations or to enjoy a short, guided meditation. If you get stressed during the day, walk away from your desk and start repeating your affirmations. The more you repeat your affirmations, the more your brain will believe them to be true.
2. Surround yourself with positive, authentic people. You don’t need a bunch of fake friends telling you how great you are; instead, find business peers, coaches, or other friends who genuinely try to lift people up and make the world a better place. Their positivity will rub off on you and sometimes all you need is a quick 5-minute phone call to one of these positive people to lift your funk.
3. Connect with your tribe; they are the ones who WANT to hear from you. We are all experts at something, even if we are self-taught and don’t have an official degree. A lot can be learned from our life experiences and that translates into expertise. Even if you feel like you can learn more about your chosen specialty, you still know a lot more than your tribe, and they follow YOU because of your style and authenticity. Are there other experts in the online world in your chosen field? For sure, but don’t let their celebrity, status, or number of social media followers intimidate you. Share your message far and wide and your tribe will find you.
While you’re testing out these tips, start a brainstorm list of course ideas. You don’t need to know the formats or the specifics of how to create a course just yet; simply jot down ideas that would help your ideal audience. Somewhere in there is a course just begging to be created, some topic that your audience desperately needs to understand. Keep that list growing until you feel inspired to create your course.
Your Next Step – Create that Course!
When inspiration strikes, don’t let that course idea simple fester in your mind. It’s time to create that course and tell your audience about it. However, there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to approach this process, and I’ll be covering this in depth in our private Facebook community, Female Heart Conscious Coaches, this month.
If you’re not a member of the community yet, be sure to head over there now and join so you don’t miss out of this free training. I’ll provide a workbook and exercises that will assist you in mapping out your course. You’ll even get checklists to keep you organized and moving forward, plus tips on how to outsource tasks to a dream team which makes product creation so much easier. Join me in Female Heart Conscious Coaches.