February 28, 2015


Do you talk yourself out of being excited and hopeful every time you feel good about yourself? Do you often start out feeling confident in yourself and your abilities, and then drop to zero confidence when your inner dialogue kicks in?

I have noticed many people struggling with negative thinking, but there’s a better way. In fact, I am passionate about helping women eliminate negative thinking and live up to their full potential. 

You can combat negative thoughts with positive-self talk instead of letting an automatic negative thought process rule your life.

Negative Thinking, Positive Self-Talk, and You 

Many people lack the confidence to realize that they deserve to feel good about themselves. These people never pay attention to the fact that they are the ones telling themselves that they don’t deserve rewards.

Are you one of these people? You can discover if you are sabotaging yourself by tuning into your thoughts and listening. What do you hear? Are you encouraging yourself with positive thoughts? Or are your thoughts filled with negatives?

  • You may not even realize how negative thinking may be dominating your life. This may be something that you deal with daily and have come to see as normal. However, it’s only normal if you allow it to be that way!

Positive self-talk is the practice of responding to negative thoughts that run through your mind. For example, when you tell yourself that you can’t possibly land the job because you aren’t good enough, you can respond with positive thoughts that do not leave room for negativity. These thoughts can be as simple or complex as you like. The important thing is that you continue to think positively.

  • Positive self-talk allows you to be the one controlling your thoughts!

Many people pair positive self-talk with affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements you can repeat to yourself over and over again. You can allow these thoughts to become true for you. The process is as subconscious as it is conscious.

When you continue to reaffirm the positive thought, you will make it true for yourself until you eventually don’t need to remind yourself to think that way.

  • Affirmations are positive statements that replace your negative thought processes. You can change your life one thought at a time!

When you are feeling low and thinking negatively about yourself or your future, try saying, “I give myself permission to be successful,” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”

Strive to replace your negative statements with positive thoughts when you repeat your affirmations. Soon it will become second nature to repeat your affirmations anytime that you start to think negatively.

  • With positive self-talk you can truly change the course of your life. You can go from being a negative person with no hope for the future, to being an optimist who can achieve anything you put you mind to. 

Does this mean that there won’t be challenges along the way, or that you’ll never fail? No, because those things are a part of life. But what it will mean is that you’ll have a better attitude, which will allow you to grasp the very best that life has to offer.

Positive self-talk isn’t difficult and it’s worth the effort that is involved because it can truly change the way you view yourself and the world that you live in.

Until next time!






Are you a woman struggling to grow your Direct Sales business? Are you tired of trying to figure out how to take your Direct Sales business to the next level? If this resonates with you, grab your FREE copy of my eBook, Explode Your Direct Sales Business In 6 Easy Steps.

If negative thinking is holding you back from creating the fun, exciting, profitable, and enjoyable business you desire be sure to check out my MindSet for Success 6-Month Mindset Development Mentoring program. This program will help you develop a mindset for success that will result in the massive growth of your Direct Sales business. You will also learn how to get super clear on your vision for your business, how to eliminate the negative self-talk that’s holding you back, how to put your genius and talents to work in your Direct Sales business, and so much more.

Apply for your scholarship TODAY! When you apply you will be scheduled for a 20-minute 1:1 conversation with me so we can get clear on what you need most to elevate your Direct Sales business to the next level. Click the button below to APPLY NOW!

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About the Author

Valerie Priester

Helping women entrepreneurs go From Overwhelm to Profits™!

Valerie Priester is a powerhouse business and mindset coach for women entrepreneurs. She helps them to eliminate confusion, frustration, and overwhelm so they can confidently grow profitable and sustainable businesses.

Through her company, Victorious Life Coaching LLC, She provides mindset, money mastery, and personal development coaching. She has years of experience and a proven track record of empowering women to achieve their goals and create the lives they desire. Valerie is a certified Master Business Mindset Coach, a certified Sacred Money Archetype™ Coach, a certified Money Breakthrough™ Business Coach, a certified Les Brown Coach-Trainer-Speaker, a certified Christian Life Coach, and a Motivational Speaker.

Valerie understands what it means to struggle. She's been through some of life's most painful challenges, including unhealthy relationships, failed businesses, and years as a struggling single parent. But Valerie doesn't give up easily. She fought her way back and discovered her confidence and self-worth.

Now she helps other women do the same. Her coaching style is transformative, and she helps women address their self-limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence.

Valerie knows what it takes to overcome adversity and live victoriously. She is living proof that anything is possible when you have the right mindset and are willing to do the work required for success.

Valerie has been mentored by some of the top leaders in the Business and Personal Development industries. This has equipped her with the expertise to specialize in helping women who are ready to see real change in their lives.

Her approach enables her clients to gain clarity on the business and lifestyle they most desire. Valerie is compassionate but firm, loving but demanding – her desire is to see her clients win in business and in life, not just exist.

Valerie is passionate about empowering women to Design Their Victory so they can Live Their Dreams.

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